Monday, January 24, 2011


OK. So we did finish the book I last talked about, however we have not gotten a chance to get the kids on here to tell you about it. We will soon though.

Also we have completed the Asian golf course and just need to get it on camera and then you can see that also.

Kage has been putting together a worm farm. He hopes to earn money sailing worms to fishermen.

Terrina got a Nook for her birthday and we figured out how to put the food handlers guide on it so she is slowly going through that. It is not as interesting as "Little Women" I'm afraid.

Bryce is potty training. He is so cute in his boxer briefs!

Seth is getting better and better at his reading every day.

Airionna in learning every thing! And is still too cute for my good.

Mr. Mister is starting to come more often when I call him. Yeah! And last night he alerted us when Airionna woke up confused in the night and was heading for the front door.

For some reason my picture card is not working with the computer so I guess I will have to share the pictures with you later.

I know this is a quick update, but we are also blogging on our 30 day raw food adventure. So I am kinda done with the computer right now:-)
I will do better later.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

We are almost done with what is so far a great book called "Cracker the best dog in Vietnam"
I read it to them so I can change the couple of inapropriate words that come up, but other than that is does a really good job at explaining the unexplainable feelings and emotions and would have occured being part of this war. You get to here from the dogs point of view and from his handler. It paints the picture with out going to far. However we are the Rabers so "not to far" for us could possibley be to far for other 8-10 year olds. Any way we hope to finish it this weekend and then I will have the kids tell you their views on it.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The great wall of Mac and Cheese! or China
I'm having a hard time figureing out how to add to my golf course page so for now we will just add to the home page.
What you see here are booby traps in Vietnam and a ramp that the ball will jump over the leaves which are hiding spikes covered in fecies!
And a tiger over in India

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Kage and I are training to do a 5k race in February! We are super excited and we have been training 3 days a week in the sun or snow.
While we go out Terrina stays home with the sleeping little ones and gets some special time to play with Seth.

Wish us luck.

Our new favorite spot is the Ledge. We first went as a church group after completing a summer challange. We went again for Terrina's 10th birthday. And each of the 3 older kids chose to come here on our special day out. I can't wait until they are big enough for me to climb:-)

We have had a great Christmas / New Year break and I for one am eager to get started back up with school!

Gma Jackie just headed back home to CA after an 8 day visit. Not near long enough but we are greatful for it just the same.

I was able to have Mommy dates for the first time with each of the kids while Jakie played with the rest of the kids; Win win for everyone.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

This is Mr. Mister
He was a poor little mill puppy when we got him a year ago. Now he is deffinetaly a Raber! He even has the same disipline issues. This is proof it is the parents fault and not genetics. He is wonderful with the baby's he lets them do anything.
Goals this year:get him to come when called even when verry excited about people walking by. Calm down enough to be able to stay in the house when company comes over.